Offerings for personalising learning

Bundle one option

Personalising Learning

  • Coaching engagement 1 & 2
    identify and understand your character and learner strengths and build on these to remove / communicate potential barriers to learning
  • Coaching engagement 3
    a specialised coaching session with intervention suggestions and goal setting to bring strengths to life

Bundle two option

Defining Your Why

  • Coaching engagement 1 & 2
    identify and understand your character & learner strengths and values
  • Coaching engagement 3 & 4
    personalised coaching with positive goal setting and suggested interventions to activate your realised and unrealised strengths. Defining your why to bring a greater clarity in purpose, engagement and problem solving & possible future learning pathways
  • Engagement 5
    revisiting all of the above and any barriers to keep you on track and or move you further forward

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